A Blog of Thinkings and Tinkerings

Here you will find writing on topics that interest me including psychology, business administration, and software development. Most of the recent events of my life are catalogued here (somewhat), or at least give an idea of what was important to me at the time they were written.

What Is A Computer

In this blog I (attempt) to make three cases:

  1. That computers are ancestors of very basic technologies from the 1800s and before.
  2. Making sense of them is easier than you may think.
  3. The change in computers since their inception can be attributed to changes in speed, not changes in fundamentals... Read full article

Welcome Back to Your Bicycle

(spoiler: I never actually put it down :) As I put down my year-long investigation into langauges and runtimes that was IO Ledge Software and Compare Basic, I have more relief than grief about the process. My inspiration was partly a reaction to what I had experienced across my 15 year career.

This post's title mentions bicycles because it highlights the mechanic of needing different amounts of effort and force while moving at different speeds...Read full article

Working Smart Is Lonely

When I turned 23 and got tired of answering phones and filing papers in New York, I decided to learn how to write software code around 2008.

There was one huge problem with this plan: I was about to share my escape from other people, with other people who wanted it to be their escape, working for money, answering to people who didn't really understand what we did all day.

What could go wrong, right? Read full article

The Truth is a Puzzle We Each Have A Piece Of

The real magic of discussion is when we discard the things we have interpreted and embrace what someone else can explain from their unique experience. The analogy I like to use here is that the truth is one big puzzle and we each may have different pieces of it. This is the story of the "Ten things I hate about you" letter. Read full article

Frameworks Cannot Make Lemonade

There are many things that can be said of Front End Software Engineering, many things have and many things will be said to the effect of “FE devs aren’t real devs anyway”. But I stand firmly by the statement that Front End Engineers are no less or no more intelligent or capable than another group, for example, backend, mobile or data engineers.

That being said the culture and technologies commonly used today are not adequately delivering scalability or sophistication, in either technical or human velocity, in nearly the way that I believe they could be, and need to be. Read full article

Uncertainty Is Your Friend

As 2024 begins and 2023 sheds it's calendar presence like the dust settling on a dirt road. I wonder what will happen to the tech industry as it reaches a level of layoffs not disimilar to the early 2000s. Read full article

Documents Instead of Tickets

At the end of 2023 I considered leaving software, this was written during that time

After 15 years as a software engineer I’m excited to transition back to office administration. My programming journey started with learning computer code from books in 2007, contributing as technical lead and running teams in both New York and London, all the way up to the business development and technical prototyping to launch my own company over the last 5 months. Read full article

The Cost of Delighting Users

A lot of discussion has surface lately around the place social media has in society. The most pressing question is how much value is recieved for the time spent on social media and how this effects our lives overall. Read full article

A Lethal Apology

In 2011 I was informed that I was fighting a battle I would not win by myself. When you fight a battle all by yourself there is a part of you that will always secretly want you to loose. because if you win, you are alone. In this case, the battle I was fighting was actually with myself. Read full article

Be Judgy, It’s Good For Your Ego

It puzzles me that “Judgment” is seen as such a bad thing for people to do to each other. Bear in mind that I don’t set out to make the world a terrible place, and I don’t think it is one (generally). Read full article

Who Do You Trust

I was on the train yesterday with a few former junkies. I say that without prejudice because honestly they seemed like good people. Read full article

Grab Loose Change

It seems like these days everyone is reaching deep into their pockets to find loose change.

The economic situation after covid is full of reports of recovery (except for San Francisco) and a renewed way of life focused around working less in an office but still consuming and partaking in the same activities and products. Read full article